NICU Mother's Day Photos at Saint Luke's Hospital of Kansas City

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to bless the NICU mothers at Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City with images of their precious babies! Spending Mother’s Day in the NICU is not what these moms had in mind, but I hope these images lift their spirits.

Professional photography is the last thing NICU families think about, but as a fellow NICU mom, I know how special these photos are. Once this difficult season passes, it is a wonderful experience to look back on these images and see just how far your little one has come.

Huge thanks to Ashley with March of Dimes for organizing this Mother’s Day event and making these mothers feel loved and special during such a difficult time.

Did you know that skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care, is a key bonding experience for premature babies and their parents, and it's great for their health, too. Kangaroo care helps reduce stress, keeps baby warm, helps with weight gain, encourages successful breast feeding, and stabilizes heart rate, just to name a few!